Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm thankful for

Every day I'm thankful for a number of things that are too numerous to count but I'm going to try and limit it to a list of 10.

1. Love. Without love our existence would definitely be a sad one. Love is never-ending and it makes me extremely happy to realize how much of it I have in my own life.
2. Faith.
3. Prayer. Though I don't pray nearly as much as I should, I feel very lucky to have the access to my Heavenly Father whenever and wherever I need him and that no matter how long it's been since we last talked, he will always hear and answer me.
4. Family. I consider everyone in my life that has influenced me for good apart of my family (friends, neighbors, parents, siblings, etc) and though they're a little messed up at times, they're some of the most amazing people I know.
5. Beauty.
6. Spiritual Moments.
7. Trials. They may be hard and I may not always be able to accomplish them on my own, but they help me become a better person even if I can't see it at the time.
8. Strength. Through the strength/courage to believe in myself, I can make it through life's little incidences and heartache.
9. Repentance. I rely on repentance daily and I'm incredibly grateful for the atonement.
10. Smiles. Last but for sure not least.

What are some things you're thankful for?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

For Those Days When:

For those days when your best doesn't seem good enough...
For those days when all you want to do is cry...
For those days when you can't seem to smile for the life of you...
For those days when nothing goes right and everything goes wrong...
For those days when you wish "happily ever after" was real...
For those days when you doubt yourself...
For those days when you feel like you'll never make it...
For those days when everything pulls you down...
For those days when you don't have a friend...
And for those days when you feel like all you do is make mistakes...

I want you to remember this

         and You is LOVED.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Flynn Rider :]

 Flynn Rider the cat :D

Isn't he cute??!


So my sister, Marisa, found this cat a couple of months ago whilst riding her bike with a friend. And even though my parents said no (about a million and two times) she brought it home, much to their dismay. So she was grounded "until you find that cat a home, no, not our home!!" Well.... They cat's still here. LOL 

So we've named him Flynn Rider.

Idk why... you know it's not like anyone in our house is addicted to Tangled or anything... ME! 
I love it :]

So, I guess in some way I've claimed the cat (ONLY KINDA) but I'm not telling Risa that... And that's ok. Because once he's all groweded up he's moving in with the neighbors. 
They've got a barn.

BUT until then, wittle Rider is my accessory and what an adorable accessory he is!

P O C K E T   K I T T Y .

He's really fascinated with computers... Idk why.

And he's even cute straight outta the tub!

LOL so in short, he's fun to have around. But that doesn't mean I don't love my other pets more 
(sorry Rider)

I actually have to live with them longer ;)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

WARNING: Do NOT read this if you get freaked out by blood, disturbing images, etc.

I was serious about that warning. 
From this point on it's your own fault if you get grossed out....

Ok. Soo...

 Killing Chickens.

1. Killing station

2. Scalding station

 3. Plucker

 4. Plucking station

5. Gutting station

 6. Soaking area


 That's me... Killing a chicken :|

 And gutting a chicken.

 Yummyy.... :|

And this is how I spent my weekend.

Welcome to my silly life.

 (Unfortunately, due to the graphic nature of my other pictures,
 I refuse to post them. That is all. Enjoy your lives.)

Monday, September 26, 2011

iPhone :]

I got Blogger for myyyy phone.
It made me really happy :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lord, I Would Follow Thee

Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee-
Lord, I would follow thee.

Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can't see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.

I would be my brother's keeper;
I would learn the healer's art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother's keeper-
Lord, I would follow thee.

Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother-
Lord, I would follow thee.

Friday, September 23, 2011

What A Little Rebel ;)


Haha best part is... I totally did it without permission... I'm a snot. 
 I AM on my path to adulthood... 
and besides, it'll be gone by January so it's all good :)
 Just thought I'd show it off a little though.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

HOLA... friends.

Ok... sooooo you may have possibly noticed that


Yeahhh. That's true. 
BUT! I have recently acquired a cute little laptop curtesy of my mommy and daddy. 

Aren't they just the best?! 

Anywhoo, I will be working on fixing the lack of :)

see you soon!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First came the Monster... Then came the chicken...

... Meet my beloved father's new found obsession...

You see, my dad likes "projects" and just like his other new interests as of late... 

He has become obsessed.

i.e. his addiction to Monster energy drinks ( I blame this new endeavor on them) AND his refusal to eat almost anything other than sushi when we go out to dinner, sometimes even when we stay in for dinner!

Anywhoo... CHICKENS.

They can be fun... you know, cute little fuzzy things they are. Plus the little chirping noises we found to be just so darn CUTE!

But... after awhile? 

They make you wanna bang your head against a wall!!!


It begins to get quite ridiculous to say the least... To show you how ridiculous I will elaborate:

We now have a bright red chicken coop (which we built ourselves and which took three tries and three complete coops to get right) fully equipped with a full chicken run and water system, a chicken house equipped with three different runs for different sorts of poultry, three or so tubs of baby chicks, approx 15 almost fully grown chicken hens and one rooster, four turkey hens and one tom, approx 30+ chicks of chickens and turkeys alike, and who knows how many chicken, turkey, and peacock eggs in the incubator... 

It's a fun life.

As for my father, the thing which I have begun to call Project Poultry entertains him for now and I'm happy for the kid. But...


Chickens and turkeys can only tide him over for so long... I wonder what our yard will look like as a petting zoo?? 



Dang pictures WON'T SHOW UP. I've been so darn upset about it I haven't really made effort to make another post. Poopy. Well.. maybe tomorrow will be a better day? There's always hope right?!

IN OTHER NEWS: I had a meeting with the branch president and I am officially going to be in the singles ward on Sunday... Hope I survive ;)

Friday, June 24, 2011

In my world...

In my world EVERYONE'S a pony. Anddd... they all eat rainbows and poop BUTTERFLIES!
- Horton Hears A Who

I love my life. And most of that has to do with the people in it. I owe a lot of who I am today to the amazing influences all around me.


Kaitiepoo dearest, is my BEFRISTEND in the WHOLE WORLD. We're nuts. Completely. And we love every minute of it! We're gonna be besties forever.. you see.. we have a plan. The old, insane grandmas you see sitting on their twin porches in their rockers years and years from now? The ones with a million cats, matching houses, and pink and blue hair? Yeah. That's gonna be us :)


My one and only sister, Risa. I don't know what I'd do without that child. PROBABLY live sanely for ONCE in my life ;) I love her dearly. She's always there for me, even when no one else will listen. And though she still has a lot to learn... I will always look up to her.


My most FAVORITEST people are my family ...[most days anyways]... They're dorks, and they have their quirks, but we stick it out through thick and thin. No matter what. I love them forever.. <3


Akio, my favorite everything. <3 I love that boy, I do.








And last but not least all of my friends! They're amazing in and of themselves :)

Aside from these amazing people my support system consists of everyone, from my wonderful Grandparents to my parent's "hard-core" biker friends ;) You can't always choose the people in your life, but if I had the choice... I'd choose the same people every time. <3

Joe Joe